Karsyn, a Spoon, and a Dream…
We went to Dr. Thomas-King for Karsyn’s 1 year check-up and she asked “…is he feeding himself?” and we said No but truthfully we hadn’t given him a chance to even try. It’s quicker, cleaner, and less frustrating for all parties involved to just feed them yourself: all parents out there agree with us on this one they just dont want to admit it. Anyway we came home and decided it was his time – the moons were aligning, the grass was the right length, and a squirrel crossed our path on our way home so the universe was ready (not sure how anyone can live their lives based on such garbage but hey you pick your poison right…) i could continue to type for a few hours or I can just shut up and let you watch this video:
Now the video has running commentary by Mommy, cheering by GrandMa, coaching by Auntie, and spectating by Cousin all of the above made the whole experience just that much more funny! LOL, these are the moments you can really overlook while trying to “plan” your life out – every step, every move, every word, every decision and it’s all happening right here, right now, right in front of you just the way God intended…
Don’t Miss It!
Lol, oh yes. Just wait until you all start potty training. That’s when the real fun begins 🙂
wow, we still have some time before that “fun” begins but rest assured we wont be posting any videos of that…
Dude, that’s awesome. He’s growing up so quickly. Next thing you know, he will be bringing the girls home for mommy and daddy to see 😀
Jokes that day is a long way off but we’ll be ready (where’s my shotgun) yea we’ll be ready…